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Review of pharmacologic and immunologic agent

Nov 11, 2023Nov 11, 2023

Compuscript Ltd

The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the third coronavirus outbreak in the last two decades. Emerging and re-emerging infections like COVID-19 pose serious challenges of the paucity of information and lack of specific cure or vaccines. This leaves utilisation of existing scientific data on related viral infections and repurposing relevant aetiologic and supportive therapies as the best control approach while novel strategies are developed and trialled. Many promising antiviral agents including lopinavir, ritonavir, remdesivir, umifenovir, darunavir, and oseltamivir have been repurposed and are currently trialled for the care for COVID-19 patients. Adjunct therapies for the management of symptoms and to provide support especially in severe and critically ill patients have also been identified. This review provides an appraisal of the current evidence for the rational use of frontline therapeutics in the management of COVID-19. It also includes updates regarding COVID-19 immunotherapy and vaccine development.

Keywords: SAR-CoV-2, COVID-19, Respiratory, Drug repurposing, Antiviral, Supportive therapy, Immunotherapy

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Biosafety and Health is sponsored by the Chinese Medical Association, managed by National Institute for Viral

Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC).

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CiteScore: 4.8

ISSN 2590-0536

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Marzuq A. Ungogo, Mustapha Mohammed, Bala N. Umar, Auwal A. Bala, Garba M. Khalid, Review of pharmacologic and immunologic agents in the management of COVID-19, Biosafety and Health, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 148-155, ISSN 2590-0536,

Biosafety and Health


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