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2023 Natural Community Conservation Planning Local Assistance Grant Program and 30 X 30 Grant Program

Jul 11, 2023Jul 11, 2023

The Natural Community Conservation Planning Local Assistance Grant (NCCP LAG) Program and the 30x30 Grant Program are intended to assist local public and non-profit entities with the highest priority tasks needed to implement NCCPs, and for projects associated with the planning and implementation of NCCPs and/or Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs).

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife seeks proposals for highest priority projects associated with NCCP implementation and NCCP and/or HCP planning and implementation. The intention of this Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP) is to solicit proposals of the highest quality that are consistent with the goals of the NCCP LAG and 30x30 Grant Programs. To help achieve this intention, the PSP provides guidance on Applicant eligibility, the grant process and deadlines, and application and submission procedures.

Proposals must address the highest priority tasks associated with the planning and implementation of an NCCP and/or HCP, such as:

Planning: Activities associated with the development or amendment of an NCCP and/or HCP.

Management Activities: Immediate management actions on newly acquired NCCP and/or HCP reserve lands.

Restoration/Enhancement: Restoration or enhancement of habitats or species populations on NCCP and/or HCP reserve lands.

Monitoring: Design and implementation of biological monitoring programs identified in an NCCP, including the establishment of sampling methods, monitoring plots, data collection, management, and analysis.

Reserve Management Plans: Development and implementation of individual reserve management plans.

Mapping: New or updated mapping in support of NCCP and/or HCP management or monitoring activities, such as vegetation community mapping.

Targeted Studies for Adaptive Management: Studies to evaluate management actions for covered habitats or species, and whether such actions are meeting stated goals or require adjustments through adaptive management.

Other: Other non-land acquisition priority tasks, identified by the applicant and implementing partners, which are needed to ensure effective implementation of the NCCP and/or HCP.

Land Acquisition: Acquisition of land by fee title or conservation easement that is an essential part of an NCCP and/or HCP reserve system and acceptable to CDFW. Land acquisition proposals have a separate application and process. Please ensure you are using the correct template. Proposals using the incorrect template will be ineligible for consideration in this initial solicitation cycle.

Eligible applicants include Implementing Entities (IEs) that are implementing a CDFW-approved NCCP and/or an HCP, and public agencies, tribes, and non-profit organizations that have an interest in assisting with the execution of Eligible Projects.

Planning and Implementation projects submitted by Implementing Entities, or entities that will be responsible for implementing the plan(s), once permitted, will score additional points during evaluation.

Proposals must address the highest priority tasks associated with the implementation of approved NCCPs and/or HCPs in California. Projects may occur on state or federal lands.

Up to $29,076,000.00:

NCCP LAG Program funding varies from year to year, with recent funding of $576,000 per year. However, this year up to $28.5 million in additional funding will be available through the 30x30 Grant Program for projects associated with the planning and implementation of NCCPs and/or HCPs. Both the NCCP LAG Program and 30x30 Grant Program funding are dependent on the availability of State funds and approval of the Budget Act.

For Planning and Implementation grants: The grantee sends invoices to CDFW.

Land Acquisition: CDFW plans to partner with the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) through an interagency agreement to administer 30x30 Grant Program awards for Land Acquisition projects.

State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.

full grant